.. note:: **Audience:** Jury Manager, user who want to test app User training for manage an actual recruitment process, or user testing the application. .. _Demo config: Life Cycle of a Dev/Demo instance =============================================================================== The life cycle is depicted in the context of the Institut Pasteur. .. warning: You will never be able to expose it outside the Institut Pasteur, nor have a nice url. Do it only for test purpose. Chose a (part) of the url ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To have a demo instance, chose a branch name that is **not** suffixed by "-prod", such as `ada-demo`. Once started, the instance will be running at https://strass-ada-demo.dev.pasteur.cloud/. Start it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: bash # clone the project (only the first time) git clone git@gitlab.pasteur.fr:hub/strass.git # go to master git checkout master # get the latest source, if needed git pull # create your new branch git checkout -b ada-demo # push the branch git push --set-upstream origin ada-demo In your shell you will see an URL recommending you to create a new Merge Requests, create this Merge Request, set it as Draft. It will help you shutting it down later. Use it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to https://strass-ada-demo.dev.pasteur.cloud/. The first user to create an account is superuser and jury manager. Load the demo ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can load the demo, but you need kubectl installed, and you need to be granted on the dev namespace. If you understand this requirementsadd, then see :ref:`load_demo_k8s` on know how to load the demo in kubernetes Stop it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the pipelines (A), see the job "stop_and_delete_instance" (D) .. image:: _static/merge-request-pipelines-all-cut.png :width: 100% :alt: Pipelines all in green Simply press the square stop button, and your instance is **permanently** removed, along with its data. You do not need to set a env variable like for production instance. .. image:: _static/merge-request-pipelines-delete-dev.png :align: center :alt: Pipelines all in green