.. note:: **Audience:** Jury Manager, Reviewers .. _Overall score: Overall scoring system =============================================================================== The overall scoring aims at giving an coarse grained numerical aggregation of answer provided. It is rendered in the candidate list view. .. image:: _static/candidate-list-score.png :width: 100% :align: center In the image here before the score is displayed for recommendations, and the reviews of the stage "Internal review". Visibility ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall score is not visible by default. Jury manager can make it visible to reviewer (cf :ref:`review settings`). Scope of question used in computing a score ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not all question can be used in the score, only numerical range and textual range can be used. By default a question is not used for the overall score. The jury manager have to indicate explicitly that the question is used in the score. How it is computed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Numerical range ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For a question with an numerical answer in ``[a;b]``, the answer is converted into a percentage where ``a`` is ``0%`` and ``b`` is ``100%``. Textual range ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For a question answered with a text range such as ``No;Neutral;Yes``. We use the position of the answer in the list of possible answer, and then convert it as for numerical range. In this example, ``No`` is ``0%``, ``Neutral`` is ``50%`` and ``Yes`` is ``100%`` (cf :ref:`question system text range`) Aggregating the answer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once all eligible and convertible answers have been converted into a percentage, the score is the average of the percentage. The overall score of a candidate for its recommendations is computed with all the respond given by referees for this candidate. If answers are missing they are not taken into account. The overall score of a review stage, is computed on the answers provided by reviewers for this candidate in this review stage.