.. note:: **Audience:** Jury Manager .. _Question system: Questions =============================================================================== Creating question to reviewers and referee is based on a versatile modeling. This model allows you to ask question that will be answered with a text, or a range question with or without textual justification field. .. image:: _static/question-create.png :width: 100% :align: center Question ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. image:: _static/question-create-question.png :width: 100% :align: center Provide here the question .. _question system text range: Answer with a range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. image:: _static/question-create-range.png :width: 100% :align: center You can ask the user to answer with a range, it can be directly numerical, or an ordered list of work such as "no;neutral;yes" for answering to "Would you work with this person again?" Whether it is numerical of text range, the answer can be used in the overall score (cf :ref:`Overall score`). When it is a text range, choices are converted in percentage from 0% to 100% such as in the example here above. Answer with one or many choices ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. image:: _static/question-create-choices.png :width: 100% :align: center You can ask the user to pick one or many answers from a list. Text choices are provided separated by a semi-colon. When typing the choices, they are presented on the right of the field. This list is unordered, so it cannot be used in the overall score. Answer with a text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ask the user to provide a textual answer. Can be used as main answer, or justification of a range/choice answer .. image:: _static/question-create-text.png :width: 100% :align: center Help text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can provide a help text at the end of the question. You can provide guidance in answering the question, and context. .. image:: _static/question-create-help.png :width: 100% :align: center Review stages ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A question is associated to a stage of review. A question can thus be re-used in multiple stage, of used in only one. It depends of you use case. .. image:: _static/question-create-stage.png :width: 100% :align: center